This post is when I was in Tashkent, Uzbekistan on October, 2012.
I'm going to wite about accommodation, one is cheaper and other one is comfortable in Tashkent.
※I converted 1USD into 2700UZS.
Hotel Hadra (ホテル・ハドラ)
入口 Entrance |
室内 Inside the room |
シングル 30000UZS(≒11USD) / Single Room 30000UZS(≒11USD)
トイレ・ホットシャワー共同 / Shared Toilet and Hot Shower.
WIFIない / They don't have any internet connection.
外観 Aspect |
One of the cheapest accommodations in Tashkent.
The building looks ex-Soviet-ish. It's not really clean on the whole but If you are real backpacker you can stand it.
For your information, hot shower's heat and pressure in here is best in Uzbekistan, I think.
The accommodation across circus.
The nearest station is "Gafur Gulom".
宿の道路の向かい側にあるサーカス場 The circus, across the accommodation |
SAM BUH ELITE HOTEL (サン・ブフ・エリート)
外観 Aspect |
アドレス・カード Address Card |
室内 Inside the Room |
In this time, I'm going to go back to Japan temporary from Uzbekistan at last so I was staying better hotel only last day in this trip.
シングル 88000UZS(≒32USD) / Single Room 88000UZS(≒32USD)
トイレ・ホットシャワー室内 / Toielet and Shower inside the room.
A/C, TV 有り / with A/C and TV
WIFI 有り / They have Free- WIFI
朝食無料 / Including Breakfast
"Lonely Planet" にも書かれていますが、タシケントにあるホテルは宿代をUSDの価格で表記していますが、 UZSでいくらか尋ねると、闇レートではなく公式レートの価格を提示してくるので、闇レートで両替した人は安く良いホテルに泊まることができます。でも、全てのホテルではないと思います。
According to Lonely Planet, "Hotels in Tashkent and state-owned hotels outside of Tashkent list prices in USD, but convert their room prices to UZS at the official exchange rate. This means that travellers will save about 30% by paying with UZS instead of with USD or a credit card, if they buy their UZS on the black market".
このホテルの近くのShota Rustaveli通りにある、Grand Mir Hotelの隣のショッピング・モールの2階にフードコートがあり、安くご飯が食べられます。
For your information, you can get cheap eat where shopping mall on second floor next to Grand Mir Hotel along Shota Rustaveli street.
朝食はまあまあでした。 Breakfast was so-so. |
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